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Franchise Planting Map

 (Matthew 9:38)


Qualify the Candidate

(Matthew 13:1-9)

Soil Prepared

Liquid Capital






Charles de Gaulle once said, "History does not teach fatalism... People get the history they deserve."


The Lord Jesus taught two parables that illustrate this truth, both about people who diligently pursue their vocation.


Prepared leaders stand ready to face the future. They don't react and are not easily surprised. This gives them the power to decide and act according to their convictions.

Planning Your Garden

(2 Timothy 3:16-17)

Work/Life Values



Doing business "by the book" is using Scripture as the tool that equips and provides a guiding structure for instruction so that franchise partners may be equipped to lead a business that will provide both means and purpose while ensuring a future for their family. 



Our model is based on Biblical Scripture and over fifteen years of experience from our established careers in the industry, we have laid the foundation, to provide direction and, accountability to franchise partners when they err, correct their mistakes, and help them progress to ever-increasing growth. The rewards help to build a kingdom that is eternal.



Starting with a minimum sustainable growth of 30% per year, in five years time, franchise partners become eligible to acquire additional territory with fees waived! 


Choosing a Model

(Exodus 35:10)




We have franchise packages available ranging from rural to large metropolitan territories throughout the United States.

Scott will be your head coach, he and the others at Happy Window Cleaning are committed to the success of our franchise partners.


Franchise owners are taught using hands-on training, video lectures, backed up by written manuals and person-to-person contact. Our process quickly moves people to proficiency in every detail of the five functions of the Happy Window Cleaning Franchise Model.





Faithful Servant

(1 Peter 4:10-11)

The Happy Seed Packet, otherwise known as our franchise system, is a tool to use your God-given talents. It is our mission to spread our gifts, to pay them forward and ultimately, give glory to the Giver of the talents/gifts.

The purpose of this Franchise Planting Map is not to throw scriptures at you but give you a visual representation of our franchising process.


What you see above is just the bird's eye view of the franchise process, so imagine that you are the pilot of your own airplane. You are now looking at the field from 40,000 ft., just being here looking at our website. You take your time, look at our gallery, think about what we do and why we do it.  At 10,000 ft., we have an informational meeting/conversation where we answer your inquiries. At 5000 ft., we give you a copy of our Franchise Disclosure Document at least 14 days before you sign any contract or pay any money to be a Franchisee. At 300 ft., we perform our due diligence including the individual business analysis, financial review, discovery, and approval. At 20 ft., we sign the Franchise Agreement. At 10 ft. you have landed on a new career, secured your territory, are trained and ready for opening. And finally, at the runway, you're ready to take off (grand opening)!

The Happy Way

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Transparency (Hebrews 4:13) - Nothing is hidden from God, therefore, we are all accountable for what our actions produce, the reason behind our open book policy.

Growing Sustainable Harvest (2 Corinthians 9:10) - Clearly, the seed we sow is intended to increase the fold. Our employees are our fruits. The apprentice is the fruit of the journeyman leader. Every leader is empowered to supply and multiply the assigned seed.

Sharing the Harvest (Isaiah 9:3) - Harvest sharing is what we do to compensate our employees on top of their regular pay. Franchisees are not required to offer the same compensation package to their employees. On this score, they have the option to compensate their employees in the manner they see fit as long as it complies with their state's legal standards.

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